Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development


Human learning and intelligence are being discussed for years. Cognitive Development Theorists and Psychologists tried to answer these questions.


Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget (1896–1980) observed his own children and proposed four stages of cognitive development. Experiences brain and maturity of the brain help move through these stages. The brain stores the experiences in the form of the schemas which are used for interpretation of the world.

  1. Sensorimotor (0-24months): This stage is characterized by the trial and error. Most of the motor development is takes place in this stage. Object permanence is achieved by the end of the stage.

  2. Pre-operational (2-7years): During this period, children acquire the language. Brain capacity also develops due to more memory. But still, responses are self-centered and intuitive.

  3. Concrete operational (7-11years): Children start interpreting the external world from other's perspective. Children also start the moral logical and methodological way of symbol processing.

  4. Formal operational (11years-adulthood): Children develops the ability to understand abstract symbols and ideas. They can generate hypothetical ideas and can give series reasoning.